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If you have damaged or missing teeth, you may lack confidence. You may be unable to eat the food you want or publicly share your smile. Using advanced procedures and materials, dental implants can help you regain a healthy smile.


Many patients have questions about receiving dental implants. This blog will explain each step of the dental implant process in detail, letting you know what to expect from your treatment.

How Dental Implants Work

A dental implant is a tiny titanium anchor that bonds with the jawbone, creating a rock-solid base to which a dental crown, bridge, or denture can be attached.

Parts of a Dental Implant


The biocompatible implant anchor replaces the tooth's root system. In osseointegration, the anchor tightly bonds with the jawbone, providing the chewing stimulation the bone needs to stay healthy and strong.


The abutment is a small stainless steel cap that fits over the anchor. It protects the anchor and provides an attachment point for the restoration.


A crown, bridge, or denture replaces the tooth and completes the restoration.

The Single-Tooth Dental Implant Process

The process of receiving a dental implant may seem intimidating. Oral surgeons are most qualified to perform this delicate surgery and ensure a strong and healthy implant.

Step 1: Consultation

Before starting the dental implant process, you will meet your oral surgeon and discuss your needs. Your surgeon will provide a thorough examination, including digital imaging scans and a CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) scan. These scans help the surgeon determine whether your jawbone is robust enough for a dental implant.

Step 2: Extraction

You may need teeth extracted as part of the dental implant procedure. In many cases, Dr. Braasch can extract teeth and place the dental implant anchor during the same visit.

Step 3: Bone Grafting

You may need a bone graft procedure if your jawbone needs extra height or volume to accommodate the implant anchor. The surgeon makes an opening in the jawbone, inserts a ground and sterilized bone matrix, and then covers it with a dissolvable membrane. Over a few months, the inserted material provides a scaffold-like structure for new, healthy bone.

Step 4: Anchor Placement

The surgeon uses specialized tools to make a small opening in the gum and jawbone and then inserts the anchor. The anchor must heal for a few months before proceeding to the next steps.

Step 5: Abutment Placement

After the anchor completes healing, the surgeon reopens the gum and attaches an abutment to the top of the anchor. They secure the gum around the abutment to provide a place to attach the restoration.

Step 6: Restoration

A prosthodontist or general dentist supplies the dental crown that completes your implant.

Advantages of Dental Implants


With excellent care, a dental implant anchor may last a lifetime. However, the restoration on top will likely need periodic replacement.

No Dietary Restrictions

Patients with dental implants can once more enjoy their favorite foods without worry.

Raise Your Self-Confidence

When you have a complete smile, you'll feel more like yourself, and you may encounter more personal and professional opportunities.

Better Oral Health

Filling gaps in your smile is more than cosmetic. It also reduces your chance of developing tooth alignment problems, bite issues, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Tips for Success With Dental Implants

  • If you grind your teeth, request a dental night guard to protect your crowns from excessive wear.
  • Brush and floss as you would with healthy, natural teeth.
  • Quit smoking and limit your alcohol use. Smoking can interfere with healing and cause implant failure.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Is dental implant surgery uncomfortable?

Dental implant surgery may seem intimidating, but advanced techniques and local anesthesia make the process comfortable. Many patients opt for sedation during surgery so they can relax.

What can I eat while healing from dental implant surgery?

Eat a soft diet, with foods like mashed potato, scrambled eggs, and pasta. As you heal, you can add firmer foods. Avoid crunchy or spicy foods until your gums have healed.

Call Braasch OMS

Dental implants can enhance your quality of life and boost your oral health. To learn more about the dental implant process and how it can benefit you, please call our Bedford, NH office at 603-657-1984. We would gladly schedule a consultation with Dr. Daniel Cameron Braasch.

Dental implants are today's gold standard for replacing natural teeth. Replacing damaged or missing teeth with implants can restore your natural smile and protect your oral health.

In Bedford, NH, a single-tooth dental implant typically costs between $5,000 and $7,000.

Parts of a Dental Implant

  • Implant post or anchor: The post is a small titanium structure the surgeon places in the jaw, which bonds with the natural bone structure in osseointegration.
  • Abutment: This part is a stainless steel cap that fits over the implant post and provides a sturdy place to attach the dental crown.
  • Dental crown: The crown replaces the main portion of the tooth, completing the implant and restoring your smile.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Preserves Oral Health

A dental implant is more than an aesthetic fix. Filling a space left behind by a missing tooth keeps its neighbors in place, preventing gaps and crowding that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Replaces Entire Tooth Structure

A dental implant replaces one tooth and its root system. Since the implant bonds with the jawbone in osseointegration, it provides the same chewing stimulation and prevents the bone from breaking down around the socket.

Improve Self-Confidence

Missing teeth often leads to a lack of confidence. Patients don't want to share their smiles and may give the wrong impression. With a new dental implant, they feel proud of their appearance.

Dental Implant Surgery Step-by-Step

Step 1: Consultation

First, you will meet with your oral surgeon to discuss your needs and expectations. Your surgeon will then let you know whether you are a good candidate for the procedure and how the process will work.

To understand your oral anatomy, your surgeon will perform a CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) scan. They will use this scan to determine whether you have enough bone mass to place an implant and find the location of all oral structures.

Step 2: Treatment Plan

Your surgeon will create a treatment plan that describes the care you will receive and its cost. If you approve the treatment plan, they will schedule your surgery.

Step 3: Bone Grafting

You may need a bone graft procedure if you have lower bone mass where the implant will go. Your surgeon places ground and sterilized bone material in your jawbone and covers it with a dissolvable membrane. Over six to nine months, your natural bone uses the donor bone as a scaffold to create more mass.

Step 4: Implant Placement

If you have an existing tooth, the surgeon can often extract it during the same procedure as placing the implant post.

First, the surgeon prepares the surgical site using specialized tools and inserts the anchor. They cap the post with an abutment that protects it during healing and allows later crown attachment. They close the surgical site to promote healing.

Step 5: Restoration

After a few months, your surgeon will check that your implant has fully healed. If it looks good and has successfully bonded with your jawbone, you can receive a crown from your family dentist at this point.

After your implant heals, you can chew, talk, and smile without issues, and you can eat your favorite foods without worry.

Caring for Your New Implants

Single-tooth dental implants need no more care than healthy teeth. Brush and floss as your family dentist recommends. Visit your family dentist at least twice yearly to check your implant and overall oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Can I receive sedation during dental implant surgery?

You will receive local anesthesia, which is sufficient for some patients. Many patients also choose sedation for their procedure, especially when placing multiple implants at once.

Can you get a dental implant in one day?

Dr. Braasch can complete most of the process in one day. If you need a bone graft before surgery, it must heal for at least a few months before the implant can be placed.

Call Braasch OMS

Dental implants can change how you look and feel while boosting oral health. If you would like an individual treatment plan with anticipated costs, don't hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation. Call our Bedford, NH, office at 603-657-1984 today.

Dental implants can vastly improve your oral health and self-confidence. Getting dental implants is a valuable investment in your smile that can affect all areas of your life.


You may want to know how long it will take to eat your favorite foods after dental implant surgery. A few weeks after surgery, you can add everyday foods to your diet, gradually increasing their texture and hardness. It is best to avoid chewing hard and crunchy foods with your new implant until the final crown placement.

How Dental Implant Surgery Works

Dental implant surgery may seem intimidating, but it is far more manageable than many patients believe. A dental implant consists of three parts:

  • A biocompatible titanium anchor that your oral surgeon places in the jawbone
  • A stainless steel abutment or cap
  • A crown that replaces the visible tooth

The first step is extracting your tooth. Your oral surgeon can often extract your damaged tooth and place your implant post during the same procedure, saving time.


Next, the surgeon places the post in the jawbone. The post gradually bonds with the bone in osseointegration. The surgeon places the abutment holding the dental crown to complete your restoration.


After two to three months of healing, your new implant will be ready for its crown. You will return to your restorative dentist to complete the process. The implant post and bone will bond and heal for several months until osseointegration is complete.

Healing After Dental Implant Surgery

Many patients report that the dental implant recovery period is more straightforward than they thought. Post-surgical discomfort is generally mild enough that over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient. You will also take a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.


For the first 24 hours after surgery, an all-liquid diet works best. Smoothies, milkshakes, and protein shakes can help you hydrate and keep up your strength. Do not eat or drink anything hot or spicy during this time. Avoid using a straw for the first three days to keep your protective blood clot intact.

Soft Foods to Enjoy

As you recover, you can add soft foods to your diet. Here are a few examples:

  • Pudding
  • Yogurt
  • Soups with soft pieces
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soft meats like fish and well-cooked beef

Foods to Add Gradually

  • Acidic foods like citrus fruits
  • Spicy foods
  • Hot-temperature foods and drinks

Avoid Until Final Crown Placement

  • Crunchy foods
  • Chewy foods
  • Sticky foods

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Can I eat anything I want after the dentist places my crown?

You can eat almost anything you want according to your comfort. You will know if a food is too hard or crunchy for you. Be careful with sticky foods since they may dislodge your crown.

Why do I have to avoid spicy foods for so long?

Spicy foods irritate the healing gums. Please wait until the gum fully heals before trying it.

Call Braasch OMS

Dental implants will transform your smile, improve your chewing ability, and boost your self-confidence. If you need more information about dental implants, please call our Bedford, NH office at 603-657-1984 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Braasch. We look forward to meeting you.

Dental implants are today's best replacement for compromised or missing teeth. They have all the functions of a healthy, natural tooth and boost patients' oral health.


While many are familiar with dental implants, not every patient understands how they can help patients achieve a healthy smile. This blog will explain how dental implants work and answer patients' questions about the procedure.

About Dental Implants

A dental implant is a synthetic tooth that replaces the natural root and crown. Depending on the patient's needs, implants can replace one tooth at a time or up to an entire arch.


Dental implants are unique compared to other tooth replacements like bridges and conventional dentures because they bond with the jawbone, replacing the tooth's natural root system.

Benefits of Dental Implants


Dental implant posts often last for decades, though the crown on top may need replacement every ten to 15 years due to normal wear and tear. With proper care, dental implant posts may last a lifetime. Compare this longevity to a bridge or denture, which needs replacement more frequently.

Natural Look and Feel

Today's dental implants are nearly indistinguishable from natural teeth. Since they bond with the jawbone, they feel like natural teeth.

No Food Restrictions

With an implant, you can eat what you like. Sticky, chewy, and crunchy foods will no longer be a problem as long as you care for your implants.

Easy Care

Caring for a single-tooth implant is like caring for healthy, natural teeth. Brushing, flossing, and keeping all regular dental appointments are all the steps you must take.

Protect Oral Health

Dental implants combat the adverse oral health effects of having a missing tooth. If you leave a gap in your smile, food and plaque will collect, raising your chance of developing gum disease and tooth decay. In addition, your teeth will shift out of position, making them more challenging to keep clean.

Parts of a Single-Tooth Dental Implant

Implant Post

An implant post is a small titanium object that the oral surgeon surgically places in an opening in your jawbone. This post bonds with the jawbone and creates a solid base for your dental implant.


An abutment is a stainless steel cap atop the dental implant post, allowing your restorative dentist to connect your crown to the post.

Dental Crown

The crown completes the implant. It replaces the portion of the tooth visible above the gum line and provides excellent chewing performance.

Dental Implant Surgery Explained

Many patients feel intimidated by dental implant surgery. However, the process is much easier than most people believe.

Step 1: Consultation

Your oral surgeon will assess your needs during your consultation appointment and take 3-D digital images using the highly advanced CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) scanner. These images help the oral surgeon ensure that you have sufficient bone mass and locate your nerves and other oral tissues.


You can proceed to the implant process if you have sufficient bone mass. If not, you may need a bone graft or sinus lift to prepare for the procedure.

Step 2: Surgery

Many patients opt for sedation during dental implant surgery, especially if they are receiving more than one implant. However, many patients feel comfortable with local anesthetic alone.


The oral surgeon makes a small incision and places the implant post directly in the jawbone. Over the next few months, the post and bone will bond in osseointegration. The oral surgeon will provide you with antibiotics to promote healing.


The abutment comes next, sitting on top of the post to create a place to secure the crown. Finally, your family or restorative dentist will place the final crown and complete your implant.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

How soon after extraction can you get a dental implant?

Frequently, we can place a dental implant during the same procedure as your tooth extraction.

What happens if I don't replace an extracted tooth?

As mentioned above, you will experience problems with tooth spacing, gum disease, and tooth decay. In addition, your jawbone may begin to break down at the socket. When the jawbone atrophies due to a lack of chewing stimulation, your face may develop a "sunken" look.

Call Braasch OMS

To discover more about dental implants, please call our Bedford, NH office at 603-657-1984. We can schedule a consultation with Dr. Braasch and start your journey toward a complete and healthy smile.

Dental implants are the field's gold standard for replacing damaged or missing teeth. These restorations offer multiple life-changing benefits. This blog will explain the four top benefits of dental implants in detail and answer frequently asked questions.

Benefit #1: Preserve Oral Health

Unlike bridges, dental implants replace not only the tooth's crown but also the natural root system. Tooth extractions without restoration leave the jawbone vulnerable to breaking down in the area of the empty socket.


Lost jawbone volume can lead to an altered facial appearance. This problem also makes it more challenging to place an implant in the future without a bone graft.


A gap left by an extracted tooth allows other teeth to drift, changing your smile's alignment. Food and plaque may collect in the gaps. In addition, the teeth may become crowded and crossed, making it harder to keep them clean. Both these issues can lead to increased tooth decay and gum disease.

Benefit #2: Restore Chewing and Speaking Function

Patients with compromised teeth often have trouble chewing their favorite foods. If they have restorations like bridges and crowns, they may have food restrictions as well to avoid damaging their appliances. With implants, you can eat what you like, within reason.


Missing teeth may also cause whistling or lisping speech sounds. Completing dentition with implants keeps speech natural and fluent.

Benefit #3: Easy Care

Caring for implants is much easier than caring for traditional dentures or bridges. A single-tooth implant needs the same level of care as a healthy, natural tooth. Twice-daily brushing, flossing, and keeping scheduled dental appointments are usually enough to maintain implants in good repair.

Benefit #4: Attractive, Natural Appearance

Many patients have the mistaken impression that implants look fake. Today, most people will be unable to tell that you have a dental implant unless they previously noticed the gap in your smile. 


Implants precisely match your existing teeth and blend in seamlessly. You can chew, smile, and speak as you did with a complete set of healthy teeth, significantly improving your quality of life.

The Dental Implant Process

The first step in receiving new dental implants is booking a consultation with your oral surgeon. Dr. Braasch will review the process and answer your questions. He will take CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) images to fully understand your facial anatomy and determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure.


Dental implant surgery is considerably easier than most patients believe. Many patients choose sedation so they can relax during the procedure, but others feel comfortable with local anesthesia.


The oral surgeon uses a unique tool to create an opening for a small titanium anchor. The biocompatible anchor will bond with the jaw for a matter of months until it has healed enough to place a stainless steel abutment to hold the crown. 


After the gums heal around the abutment, your family dentist or prosthodontist can place a dental crown as the final restoration. When your crown is in place, you will have a complete, beautiful smile.

Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants often represent a significant investment in your oral health and quality of life. Dr. Braasch can help you determine which implant type would work best in your situation.

  • Single-Tooth Implants
  • Implant-Supported Bridges
  • Implant-Supported Dentures

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Why are dental implants a better choice than bridges?

Bridges are beneficial for many patients, but implants are easier to keep clean, last longer, and preserve oral health. Bridges provide an attractive replacement but require a great deal of care. Cleaning under and around a bridge can be challenging, and bridges sometimes harm oral health when patients do not practice excellent oral hygiene.

How does a dental implant help the jawbone?

An extracted tooth leaves the jawbone without chewing stimulation in the area around the socket. Without this stimulation, the bone begins to reabsorb into the body. A dental implant bonds with the bone and provides the same stimulation as a natural root system. Your jawbone will remain solid and intact, avoiding the "sunken" look common in older patients with missing teeth.

Call Braasch OMS

If you are curious about dental implants and want to know more, please call our Bedford, NH, office at 603-657-1984 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Braasch. We look forward to speaking with you.

Dental implants are durable, attractive replacements for missing or damaged teeth. If you have a problem with your teeth, like breakage, decay, or tooth loss, you may be curious about whether dental implants are your best choice to replace them.


Fortunately, most healthy patients are good candidates for the dental implant procedure. FInd out who is and is not a candidate for the procedure and how patients can increase their chance of implant success.

Good Candidates for Dental Implants

  • Healthy enough for a surgical procedure: Patients must be generally healthy to undergo the implant surgery.
  • Sufficient jawbone mass to support an implant post: Patients whose jawbones have atrophied due to missing teeth may need a bone graft procedure before receiving dental implants. Usually, bone grafts take four to six months to heal enough to place an implant post.
  • Healthy gums:  Positive gum health allows implants to attach successfully. Unhealthy gums could lead to complications or implant rejection.
  • Ability to care for dental implants like natural teeth: Patients who have trouble caring for their teeth or regularly forget to brush and floss may not be ideal candidates.
  • Willingness to make regular dental visits to check the health of implants:  Regular checkups may be necessary to ensure the health of dental implants and detect potential issues before they can become severe.

Possible Contraindications for Dental Implants

Patients with illnesses like cancer and uncontrolled diabetes may not be able to receive dental implants. These conditions impede natural healing and may make jaw bone integration difficult. Controlling these conditions may make it possible to receive implants.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

How does a bone graft work?

During bone graft surgery, the oral surgeon places a natural or artificial bone material in an opening in the jawbone. They cover the area with a dissolvable membrane to keep the material in place. The graft provides a scaffold-like structure for the bone to grow around. The bone will grow enough to place an implant post in four to six months.

Why do I need healthy gums to support dental implants?

If you have poor oral hygiene, your gum health may suffer; healthy gums hold the replacement teeth in place. Gum disease can cause implants to fail. If an implant fails, you will lose your investment in your implants and oral health.


If you lack healthy gum tissue, you may be a candidate for gum or soft tissue grafting to fix the problem. As long as you maintain your gums, you should be able to achieve implant success.

Call Braasch Oral Surgery

If you want to know whether you are a good candidate for dental implants, please call our Bedford, NH office at 603-657-1984. We can schedule a consultation with Dr. Braasch to explain your options and help you understand the implant process.

Dental implants are one of today's best options for replacing natural teeth. Dental implants are attractive and durable. Patients with dental implants report that they are lifelike and easy to care for.


Dental implants represent a valuable investment in patients' oral health. Many patients want to know whether their dental insurance covers implants. The simple answer is that some insurance policies cover all or part of the cost of dental implants in certain circumstances. Patients should contact their insurer for further information on their policy.

Situations Where Dental Implants May Receive Insurance Coverage

Many dental plans cover parts of the dental implant procedure, but receiving coverage for the entire process may be challenging. Most insurers consider implants cosmetic dental appliances; therefore, they receive only partial coverage, if any.

One possible exception is when the patient suffers an accidental injury. Patients may receive complete coverage for their implants using a combination of medical and dental policies.

Insurance may cover the initial tooth extraction to make way for the dental implant. It may cover bone grafting needed to give the implant a solid base. It may cover the cost of the crown that replaces the tooth.

Patients should be aware of their policies' deductibles. They will likely need to fulfill your annual deductible before certain costs receive coverage.

Dental Implant Choices

Patients can choose between various types of dental implants: single-tooth implants and implant-supported dentures. Single-tooth implants are an excellent choice for patients missing non-adjacent teeth. Implant-supported dentures can help patients missing a significant number of natural teeth.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Natural Appearance

Today's dental implants look and feel natural. Patients appreciate the restoration of their beautiful smiles.


The implant post may last a lifetime with excellent care. The crown or denture on top may need periodic replacement to account for normal wear and tear.

Provide Excellent Chewing Ability

Implants function very much like natural teeth. Patients can chew nearly any food they want, including apples, steak, and popcorn.

Protect Jawbone Mass

Dental implants bond with the jaw and prevent bone deterioration. If the jaw breaks down due to missing teeth, the patient's face shape may change, and their appearance may age.

Preserve Oral Health

Missing or compromised teeth can cause several oral health problems. Food and plaque may become trapped in the gaps between teeth. Teeth often drift into new positions, causing crowding. Crowded teeth are challenging to keep clean, leading to cavities and periodontal disease.

How Dental Implants Work

Dental implants work by surgically placing biocompatible titanium anchors in the jawbone. These posts bond with the bone in osseointegration, providing a rock-solid attachment point for tooth restoration.

The oral surgeon attaches a bridge, denture, or crown to the anchoring posts, creating a natural-looking replacement.

The Process of Receiving Dental Implants

The multi-step dental implant process takes time, but the results are stunning. First, if damaged teeth need replacement, these teeth will need extraction. Sometimes, an oral surgeon can place the implant post while extracting the existing tooth.

If the patient does not possess enough bone mass to site the implant, the surgeon may need to place a bone graft. The surgeon adds a ground bone matrix to the jawbone during a bone graft procedure. The material introduced forms a scaffold-like structure for new bone material to grow. It may take several months for a bone graft to heal.

Next, the surgeon places the implant post. This process takes about 45 minutes for a single tooth. The patient receives local anesthesia and may opt for sedation if they wish.

The post must heal before the surgeon can place the abutment and final restoration. At the end of the process, the patient will have a brilliant, natural-looking smile.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Does dental implant surgery hurt?

The surgery will be painless. You can ask for sedation or general anesthesia if you feel anxious. The recovery period does involve some swelling and discomfort, but your oral surgeon will prescribe appropriate medications.

Why should I replace a missing tooth?

Replacing a missing tooth is a must to protect your oral health. Patients with missing teeth may experience jawbone deterioration, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Call Braasch Oral Surgery

If you want to replace your damaged or missing teeth with implants, please call our Bedford, NH office at 603-657-1984. We can help you navigate your insurance and work with your budget to provide a solution.

Dental implants can last for many years with careful maintenance. A dental implant post can last many years or even a lifetime, while the crown or denture on top may need replacement every seven to 10 years due to expected wear and tear.

About Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of today's most advanced tooth replacement systems. What makes a dental implant special is that it replaces the root and crown of a damaged or missing tooth. Since an implant is sturdy and bonds with the jawbone, it looks and feels like a healthy, natural tooth.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Restore the Ability to Chew

Chewing around a broken tooth or a gap in the teeth can be challenging. Dental implants allow patients to eat what they like without worry.

Restore Clear Speech

Missing teeth may cause speech difficulties, and dentures may shift or click when patients talk.

Keep Adjacent Teeth Stable

Dental implants preserve tooth alignment and keep teeth from becoming crossed and crowded. Maloccluded teeth are more likely to develop cavities and cause gum disease.

Easy Care

Dental implants are no more difficult to care for than healthy, natural teeth. Brushing, flossing, and keeping regularly scheduled dental appointments can keep implants healthy.

Dental Implant Options

We offer several workable options for dental implants to meet many patients' needs. These varieties include single-tooth implants, implant-supported bridges, full-arch dentures, and same-day implants.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Visiting an expert oral surgeon like Dr. Braasch for a dental implant ensures the best chance of a successful procedure. We can perform nearly every step of the implant procedure in our office.


The first step is a consultation where Dr. Braasch will evaluate the patient's oral health, jawbone strength, and facial anatomy. He will use advanced equipment like the Cone Beam CT scanner to plan the surgery.


The next step is tooth extraction, if necessary. We can often extract a damaged tooth and place a dental implant in the same surgery. Dr. Braasch can tell whether a patient can combine procedures based on their oral health.

Bone Grafts

If the patient has lower bone density in the jaw, they may need a bone graft procedure before proceeding. Dr. Braasch can generally place a bone graft simultaneously with a tooth extraction. Before placing the implant, the bone graft must heal for a few months.

Implant Surgery

Implant surgery is the next step. The sequence of steps varies depending on the type of restoration the patient receives, like a crown, bridge, or denture. Many patients may feel intimidated by the prospect, but thanks to advances in anesthesia and guided implant placement, you will feel comfortable during the surgery.


During all procedures, the oral surgeon makes a small opening in the jawbone and inserts a biocompatible titanium anchor. The anchor bonds with the jawbone over time, providing an excellent crown, bridge, or denture base. The anchor will eventually hold a stainless steel abutment or cap, where the oral surgeon will attach the final restoration.


After healing, the surgeon places the crown, bridge, or denture. Once the patient becomes accustomed to the new implants, they will be able to chew, speak, and smile normally and will experience a boost of self-confidence.

Good Candidates for Dental Implants

People who are good candidates for dental implants share the following:

  • Healthy enough for implant surgery
  • Generally good oral health with no untreated gum disease or cavities
  • Non-smokers or those willing to quit
  • Sufficient bone mass to anchor an implant or ability to receive bone grafts

Tips for Increasing the Lifespan of Dental Implants

Patients with dental implants need to be proactive about their oral health. Daily brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist, as recommended twice yearly, are required. Patients who neglect their oral health could develop problems that bring about rare cases of implant failure.

Improving Your Life With Dental Implants

Life with damaged or missing teeth can be challenging. You may feel embarrassed about smiling in public. You may worry that your compromised teeth will break or fall out. With implants, you will no longer have to worry and enjoy a better quality of life.

Call Braasch OMS

Call our convenient Bedford, NH, office at 603-657-1984 to schedule a dental implant consultation with Dr. Braasch. He can help you determine whether you are a good candidate for dental implants and answer your questions about the process.

If you have damaged or missing teeth, you may be interested in receiving dental implants. Dental implants are sturdy, attractive appliances that function like natural teeth.

Patients often ask whether oral surgeons can place dental implants in one day. The answer is yes: dental implant surgery takes only one day. If you need extractions or bone grafts before placing your implants, these will need completion in advance.

How Dental Implants Work

Dental implants comprise a titanium post, a stainless steel abutment, and a crown or denture. The oral surgeon surgically implants the post, which screws into a small opening in the jaw bone. They add the abutment and crown or denture to complete the restoration.

Advantages of Dental Implants


Dental implants may last a lifetime if you care for them properly. Caring for your implants involves the same process as looking after your natural teeth: brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist for all recommended appointments.

Natural Appearance

Today's dental implants feel, look, and act like natural teeth. Unless you tell someone you have an implant, they can unlikely distinguish it from a natural tooth.

Prevent Bone Loss

Implants keep the jaw bone healthy and strong. Without the stimulation from chewing, the jaw bone around missing teeth declines by 25% of its volume in the first year alone. Bone loss leads to a "sunken" face, which can rapidly age your appearance.

Keep Other Teeth Stable

If you have a missing tooth, your remaining natural teeth will likely drift into new positions. Moving teeth can disrupt your dental bite, interfere with your chewing ability, and affect your appearance. The longer you leave a gap alone, the more likely you will have complications from misaligned teeth.

Prevent Gum Disease and Tooth Decay

Missing teeth can trap food and bacteria. This issue can lead to persistent gum disease and tooth decay.

Receiving A Dental Implant

After any necessary tooth extraction sites and bone grafts have healed, the oral surgeon can proceed with the dental implant process. They make a small opening in the gum to expose the bone and insert the post and abutment.

The oral surgeon can place the final restoration after the implant bonds with the jaw bone, which can take a few months. You can choose from a crown or a denture, depending on how many teeth need replacement.

Tips for Success With Dental Implants

  • Brush and floss twice daily
  • Use antibacterial alcohol-free mouthwash
  • Avoid hard foods that could damage your denture or crown, as well as chewing non-food objects like ice

Call Braasch OMS

Dental implants can restore your appearance and ability to chew and your quality of life. Call our Bedford, NH, office at 603-657-1984 for more information on how we can help you regain your self-confidence and complete your smile.

When it comes to dental well-being, there's nothing quite like having the confidence to flaunt your smile. However, what if missing teeth or annoying gaps dampen your self-assurance? Fear not, because that's where dental implants step in like superheroes.

When it comes to improving your smile and maintaining good oral health, the dental implant procedure has gained immense popularity. However, let's face the truth: there are numerous choices and factors to take into account, making it challenging to navigate this process alone.

But no need to worry - we are here, fully committed to supporting you throughout this entire journey. That's precisely why we have created a detailed guide tailored to accompany you every step of the way during the dental implant procedure, ensuring you receive the necessary guidance and unwavering assistance at each juncture.

Benefits of Dental Implants

When it comes to filling those gaps in your beautiful smile or replacing missing teeth, dental implants have truly captured the spotlight. 

The advantages are remarkable. These not only work their magic on your oral health, but they also give your overall appearance a major upgrade while boosting your confidence levels through the roof. So, let's not waste another moment and explore some of the incredible perks that dental implants have in store for you:

Improved Oral Health

Dental implants are a true marvel as they're crafted to mimic the look and functionality of natural teeth. Here's the kicker: they don't just enhance your smile but also work wonders for your oral health. Unlike other tooth replacement options like dentures, dental implants go the extra mile. They're securely anchored into the jawbone, promoting bone growth and preventing bone loss. This remarkable feature helps keep oral health issues like gum disease and tooth decay at bay. It's like having the best of both worlds—a stunning smile and a healthy mouth.

Better Appearance

When you're missing teeth or faced with those pesky smile gaps, it's no secret that your confidence can take a hit. But don't worry; dental implants are here to work their magic. These extraordinary wonders are expertly designed to replicate the look and function of natural teeth, making way for that breathtaking smile you've been yearning for.

Increased Confidence

Each dental implant is tailor-made to seamlessly fit your mouth, effortlessly blending in with your existing teeth. It's like experiencing a touch of enchantment—your smile restored and your self-assurance soaring sky-high, all at once.

Types of Dental Implants

There are two main types of dental implants: endosteal implants and subperiosteal implants.

Endosteal Implants

When it comes to dental implants, endosteal implants take the spotlight as the most commonly used type. Picture this: they're like tiny screws crafted from titanium—a strong and reliable material. These incredible implants are directly placed into the jawbone, serving as fantastic substitutes for one or more missing teeth. 

Endosteal implants can also step up their game by providing support for a dental bridge or dentures. It's all about versatility and ensuring you have a smile that's as sturdy as it is stunning!

The Dental Implant Procedure


Embarking on the exciting journey towards dental implants starts with a crucial first step: your initial consultation with a dental professional. This meeting is a golden opportunity for them to get to know your mouth and jawbone on a personal level. Through a meticulous examination, they will carefully evaluate whether dental implants are the perfect fit for you.

They'll also discuss your medical history and inquire about any medications you're currently taking. It's all about ensuring your well-being and guaranteeing that you're in optimal condition for the procedure. 

Treatment Plan

A personalized treatment plan is the foundation of a successful dental implant journey. It exemplifies your dental professional's dedication to addressing your unique aspirations and needs. By tailoring the plan to your specific situation, they provide you with the highest level of care, ultimately leading to exceptional results and your utmost satisfaction.

Preparing for the Procedure

Before the procedure, you will need to prepare your mouth and body for the implant surgery. This will typically involve taking antibiotics and pain medication to prepare for the procedure. You may also need to have any remaining teeth extracted or undergo bone grafting if your jawbone is not strong enough to support the implants.

The Implant Surgery

When it's time for the implant surgery, you'll be given local anesthesia to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure. The dental professional will skillfully place the implants directly into your jawbone. Once that's done, they'll carefully close the gum tissue with stitches, and that's when the magic of healing begins. 

Now, let's talk about preparing yourself for this exciting dental adventure. 

Preparing for the Dental Implant Procedure

If you are considering the dental implant procedure, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself for the surgery.

Choose the Right Dental Professional

Selecting the right dental professional is absolutely crucial when it comes to ensuring a successful dental implant procedure. It's all about finding someone who has ample experience in dental implant surgery and is more than willing to address any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure. 

Remember, you deserve someone who will not only provide top-notch care but also make you feel comfortable and well-informed every step of the way. So, take your time, do your research, and find that exceptional dental professional who will be your trusted partner in achieving that beautiful smile you've been dreaming of.

Follow Your Dental Professional's Instructions

Before the big day arrives, your dental professional will equip you with specific instructions to follow. These guidelines might involve steering clear of certain foods or medications and prepping your mouth for the upcoming surgery. It's absolutely crucial to give those instructions your full attention if you want to achieve the best possible outcome. Following their guidance diligently is key to a successful and seamless journey ahead. 

Prepare for Recovery Time

After you've successfully undergone the dental implant procedure, get ready to embark on a crucial recovery period spanning a few months. This phase plays a pivotal role in ensuring proper healing of the implants. Throughout this recovery period, it's crucial to pay close attention to your diet and activities. Opt for foods that aid in healing and won't hinder the recovery process, while avoiding any rigorous activities that could potentially strain the implants. By being mindful of these factors, you'll create an optimal environment for healing and ensure that your implants have the best chance to settle in comfortably.

Dental Implants in Bedford

If you're seeking to enhance your smile's beauty and boost your overall oral health, a dental implant might just be the perfect fit for you. With careful preparation and diligent post-operative care, dental implants can work wonders as an effective and durable solution for those pesky missing teeth or unsightly smile gaps. Rest assured, with the right approach, you can unlock a confident smile that lasts a lifetime!

To determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure and to discuss your options, contact us at 603-657-1984.


Have you been considering dental implants but are unsure about the truth behind this popular dental procedure?

With all the information out there, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. There are many misconceptions about dental implants floating around the internet. That's why we want to set the record straight and share the truth about this life-changing dental procedure.

From the benefits of dental implants to the potential risks, we will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether dental implants are right for you.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular dental procedure that can replace missing or damaged teeth. One of the biggest benefits of dental implants is that they look and function like natural teeth. This means that you can eat, talk, and smile with confidence, without worrying about your teeth slipping or falling out.

Another benefit of dental implants is that they can help to prevent bone loss in the jaw. When you lose a tooth, the bone that supported that tooth can start to deteriorate. This can cause your remaining teeth to shift, which can lead to further tooth loss. Dental implants can help to stimulate the bone in your jaw, which can prevent further bone loss and preserve the health of your remaining teeth.

Also, dental implants are a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a great investment in your oral health.

Misconceptions About Dental Implants

Despite the many benefits of dental implants, there are still some misconceptions about this dental procedure that persist.

One common myth is that dental implants are painful. While it's true that any dental procedure can cause some discomfort, most patients find that the pain associated with dental implants is minimal and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Another myth about dental implants is that they are only for people with perfect oral health. In reality, many people with gum disease, bone loss, or other oral health issues can still be good candidates for dental implants. Your dentist will work with you to determine if dental implants are the right choice for your individual needs.

We also often hear that dental implants are not suitable for older patients. Dental implants are suitable for people of all ages, as long as they have sufficient jawbone density to support the implant. Even if a patient has been missing teeth for a long time, bone grafting procedures can be used to build up the jawbone and make dental implants possible.

Finally, some people believe that dental implants are too expensive. While it's true that dental implants can be more expensive than other tooth replacement options, such as dentures, they are also a long-lasting, durable solution that can save you money in the long run.

The Dental Implant Procedure Explained

The dental implant procedure typically involves several steps. The first step is to assess your oral health and determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. Your dentist may take x-rays or use other imaging technology to get a better understanding of your teeth and jaw.

If you are a good candidate for dental implants, the next step is to surgically place the implant into your jawbone. This involves making a small incision in your gum tissue and drilling a small hole into your jawbone. The implant is then placed into the hole and left to heal.

Once the implant has healed and fused with your jawbone (a process that can take upto three months), the next step is to attach the abutment (a small connector piece) to the implant. Finally, the dental crown (the visible part of the tooth) is attached to the abutment, completing the dental implant procedure.

The success rate of dental implants is over 95%, making them a safe and effective tooth replacement option. However, there are some factors that can affect the success of your dental implant, such as your overall health, your oral hygiene habits, and your willingness to follow your dentist's aftercare instructions.

Dental Implants in New Hampshire

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be the right choice for you. With their natural look and feel, long-lasting durability, and potential to prevent further bone loss in the jaw, dental implants are a great investment in your oral health.

While there are some misconceptions about dental implants, the truth is that they are a safe and effective tooth replacement option with a high success rate. If you are considering dental implants, contact us at 603-657-1984 to talk about whether they are the right choice for your individual needs.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

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