Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are removed only if they are deemed potentially problematic. There are several reasons a wisdom tooth might be labeled as problematic. Factors that determine whether or not wisdom teeth must be removed include jaw size, crowding, proper occlusion, and impaction. Often, radiographs taken at regular dental cleaning appointments will show when wisdom teeth extraction is recommended.
What to Expect From Having Wisdom Teeth Extracted
To have a wisdom tooth removed, a small incision is made to open up the gum tissue over or around the tooth. Then a small area of bone is removed to provide access to the tooth. Once the tooth is in view it can be removed. Sometimes the tooth will need to be made into smaller pieces to make it easier to remove. Dissolvable stitches may be necessary after the removal of your wisdom teeth.
Many people have anxiety when having to have their wisdom teeth extracted. The procedure is most often done under sedation, which removes all anxiety and fear and makes the procedure very easy for the patient. Dr. Braasch and his staff will address all your concerns at the time of a consultation to help put you at ease.
What to Expect After Having Wisdom Teeth Extracted
Extraction of wisdom teeth is one of the most common oral surgery procedures performed every day! After the procedure minor swelling is common but this can be reduced with icing of the cheeks during the first 48 hours. Patients are able to eat immediately after the procedure but a softer diet will be more comfortable throughout the first 5-7 days. Postoperative discomfort is controlled with prescribed medications such as ibuprofen and Tylenol and most patients return to normal activity within 3 days.